Wednesday 30 September 2009


The marxist approach is like the functionalist is a structuralist approach and therfore will start with the structure of society before looking at the individual. A marxist would suggest the idea that the family is the centre of class struggle and oppression and it is here that women and children are constantly put down and taught to be submissive.
The marxist writer Zaretsky argued that the family helped the capatalist economy by making workers feel less frustrated about their oppression and exploitation.

The Marxist writer Engels said that ' the family performs and economic function by making sure that when someone dies their inheritence is passed on and kept within the family. In other words when a rich person dies their children get the money. (Bourgeoisie; these are elites, the wealthy upper and middle classed, the proletariat are the working classes, the masses the majorityof people).

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